El nuevo hisopo de garganta del entrenador individual masculino de bádminton de Indonesia, Hendry, dio negativo
According to news from April 1, Hora de Pekín, el resultado de la prueba de hisopo de Hendry Saputero, El entrenador individual masculino de bádminton de Indonesia, que anteriormente se había informado que había sido sospechoso de contraer una nueva neumonía de la corona., fue lanzado en marzo 31 y mostró negativo, lo que significa que él no. Infected with new coronary pneumonia.
Hendry Saputro Hendry Saputro
Seven days after returning from Birmingham, England, Hendry developed fever and nausea. After the CT scan, Hendry had spots on his left lung, so he was immediately taken to the hospital. The rapid test result of the new crown was negative. To further determine whether he was infected, Hendry took a swab.
Before the Hendry swab test results were released, all 25 Indonesians participating in the All England team had undergone rapid tests for the new crown, and the results were all negative.
Shenzhen Medico Technology Co., Limitado. specializes in the production of sterile sampling swabs, hisopos de flocado (hisopos de flocado o palos de flocado), frotis de garganta, microbiological sampling sticks, DNA buccal swabs, hisopos de esponja desinfectantes, y aplicador de clorhexidina CHG, dispositivo de recogida de saliva o dispositivo de recogida de saliva, cell preservation liquid, product application areas include medical DNA sampling, oral cavity sampling, pruebas de virus, muestreo nasofaríngeo, muestreo de virus y bacterias, muestreo de laboratorio, muestreo genético, gynecology A variety of disposable nylon flocking sampling swabs such as cervical sampling.