» Noticias de la compañía » Hua Chunying’s response to the global epidemic will usher in a cold winter

La respuesta de Hua Chunying a la epidemia mundial marcará el comienzo de un invierno frío


Hace unos dias, El experto estadounidense Fauci dijo que a finales de año, el número de muertes en los Estados Unidos puede exceder 300,000; Los medios dijeron que la epidemia global enfrentará lo más peligroso y oscuro. “invierno frio”. en respuesta, La portavoz del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Hua Chunying, afirmó: A partir del 22 de noviembre, China ha exportado aproximadamente 39.43 billion masks to the United States, which is equivalent to # every American getting about 120 Chinese masks #. China also shared its experience in prevention, control and treatment with the United States.A few days ago, El experto estadounidense Fauci dijo que a finales de año, el número de muertes en los Estados Unidos puede exceder 300,000; Los medios dijeron que la epidemia global enfrentará lo más peligroso y oscuro. “invierno frio”. en respuesta, La portavoz del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Hua Chunying, afirmó: A partir del 22 de noviembre, China ha exportado aproximadamente 39.43 billion masks to the United States, which is equivalent to # every American getting about 120 Chinese masks #. China also shared its experience in prevention, control and treatment with the United States.

The pneumonia epidemic in COVID-19 warns the world in a special form that human beings are a community of shared destiny, and no country can be immune to major crises. Only unity and cooperation can overcome the difficulties together. Only when every country is safe can the earth be safe; Only when the last country comes out of the epidemic can the global anti-epidemic struggle be regarded as the ultimate victory. China is willing to continue cooperation in epidemic prevention and control with other countries in the world, including the United States, and provide support and assistance within its capacity. You just mentioned that the global epidemic will usher in a “invierno frio”. What I want to say is, when winter comes, can spring be far behind? As long as all countries really join hands, they will surely win the final victory against the epidemic.

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