The throat swab collector is also called throat swab collecting swab
(1) Objetivo: To collect secretions from pharynx or tonsil for bacterial culture or virus isolation, so as to assist clinical diagnosis, treatment and nursing.
(2) Usar: flocking aseptic throat swab culture tube, alcohol lamp, match, tongue depressor, and flashlight if necessary.
Operation method
(1) the nurse shall check the doctor’s advice, prepare the articles, etiquetarlos, e indicar el departamento, pabellón, numero de cama, nombre, numero de hospitalizacion, inspection purpose and inspection date, etc..
(2) Prepare todos los artículos para su uso., llevarlos a la cama, revisar a los pacientes, and explain the purpose and method of taking flocked throat swab specimens, so as to obtain the cooperation of patients and eliminate tension.
(3) Enciende la lámpara de alcohol., instruct the patient to open his mouth and make “ah” sound to expose the throat, and use tongue depressor if necessary.
(4) Take out the flocked sterile long cotton swab from the throat swab, and quickly wipe the secretion of palatal arch, pharynx and tonsil on both sides.
( 5) Disinfect the nozzle and stopper with alcohol lamp, insert cotton swab into the culture tube and cover it tightly.
(6) Check again, place patients, and clean things.
(7) Wash hands, record, and send samples together with inspection sheets for inspection in time.