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Los resultados de diferentes hisopos de muestreo en la detección del antígeno de clamidia

Los resultados de diferentes hisopos de muestreo en la detección del antígeno de clamidia

Genital Chlamydia trachomatis It is a common sexually transmitted disease pathogens, once the infection can cause a variety of diseases, especially for women hurt much. Can cause urethritis. Cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, can be complicated by infertility. In the clinical development of more concealed, the patient infected and not know, can last a year to several years.Therefore, the diagnosis of

Recolección de muestras de hisopos nasales

Recolección de muestras de hisopos nasales

Nasal swab Will be a polypropylene plastic rod nylon fiber head of the flocking swab gently inserted into the nasal palatal nasal palate,quédese por un momento y gire lentamente el hisopo nasal y salga lentamente. Take another nasal swab of the nylon fiber head in the same way to collect the other side of the nasal palate.And then immersed in

¿Cuándo el niño puede hacerse la prueba de paternidad de ADN?

¿Cuándo el niño puede hacerse la prueba de paternidad de ADN?

DNA paternity test DNA paternity test is the use of medical, biological and genetic theory and technology, from the generation and the parental morphology or physiological function of similar characteristics, analysis of genetic characteristics, To determine whether the relationship between parents and their children is a biological relationship. DNA paternity test no age limit, whether it is prenatal fetus, newborn

Hisopo de muestreo de ADN bucal de nailon

Hisopo de muestreo de ADN bucal de nailon

Buccal DNA Flocked Swabs At present, our forensic doctors from the crime scene through the DNA detection of criminals to determine who is the suspect, this collection of DNA samples is the use of Buccal DNA Flocked Swabs, they are generally from the blood, saliva or fingerprints to collect specimens, Different sampling swab collection effect is different, their gap

folleto de hisopo de muestra de flocado

folleto de hisopo de muestra de flocado

flocking sampling swab brochure Product nameDisposable use of medical nylon flocking sample swab Product CategoriesDisposable medical supplies AliasMedico Flocked swabs Use:Para muestreo, la liberación de la colección de hasta 90% or more product description:El hisopo de muestreo flocado de nailon médico de la compañía Medico Co.Ltd es el suministro de muestreo médico internacional en los nuevos productos. The nylon flocking sample swab consists of a

¿Cómo usar hisopos orales?

¿Cómo usar hisopos orales?

Introduction of oral swabs In the use of Medico oral swab should pay attention to packaging signs, para comprobar si el embalaje está dañado, como dañado, Está estrictamente prohibido. Este método de muestreo es adecuado para la recolección de muestras de ADN en cualquier grupo de edad.. Aumentar: Paso 1: preparar una taza de agua, beber sobre 50 ml of water to wash the

Why cell sample collection requires flocking swabs?

Why cell sample collection requires flocking swabs?

Why cell sample collection requires flocking swabs feature: 1 Ergonomía y diseño anatómico. 2 Improve patient comfort and cell sample collection efficiency. 3 Excellent sample elution 4 Using an open fibrous structure, it immediately removes the sample cells into the liquid medium, 5 Unlike traditional wound swabs, when the sample is caught in the mattress core. 6 Rapid absorption (improved sample

2018 Best quality disposable sterile sampling swab

2018 Best quality disposable sterile sampling swab

Disposable sterile sampling swab Medico professional production of disposable sterile sampling swab, there are many types of products, there are nasopharyngeal swabs, hisopo de muestreo oral, gynecological cervical brush, gene sampling swab Product applications include medical DNA sampling, muestreo oral, pruebas de virus, muestreo nasofaríngeo, virus bacterial sampling, muestreo de laboratorio, muestreo de genes, gynecological sampling test. Medico Medical Sampling Flocking Swab Because of it: …

Forensic Collection System DNA 4N6 Manufacturer

Forensic Collection System DNA 4N6 Manufacturer

Forensic Collection System Flocked swabs Flocked swabs are ideal for collecting large amount of cells and rapid elution of the specimens instantlyrelease the cells into the transport medium. It is well recognized and adopted by the diagnostic test kit manufacturers who produce reagents in molecular genetics, forense, sectores de laboratorios clínicos. Utilising state of the art “ spray ontechnology ” the flocking

DNA System Forensic Flocked Swab Supplier

DNA System Forensic Flocked Swab Supplier

DNA System Forensic Flocked Swab MFS-98000 The latest generation of DNA sample collection tools, especially for contact with DNA, trace DNA material collection MFS-98000 patented technology nylon fiber flocking filling technology, the bottom of the base of the nylon fiber structure, this structure to maximize the efficiency of DNA collection and elution, and the traditional cotton swab or fiber swab

Varillas de muestreo de TOC

Varillas de muestreo de TOC

TOC sampling rods TOC sampling rods three-piece, including broken head flocking fiber sampling rod, transparent bottle, clean label. Sampling rods are sampled in different areas of the production environment and can be directly broken and stored in the corresponding vials. This suit makes TOC’s clean inspection work easier and more effective and avoids the chance of cross-infection in traditional ways. …

Hisopo de muestreo de garganta al por mayor

Hisopo de muestreo de garganta al por mayor

Hisopo de flocado al por mayor Shenzhen Medico Technology Co., Limitado. producción profesional de hisopo de muestreo médico desechable, como un hisopo de muestreo de virus, hisopo de muestreo cervical, hisopo de muestreo de garganta, hisopo de muestreo nasal, hisopo de muestreo oral, cepillo para toma de muestras de virus para mujer, cepillo para toma de muestras cervical ginecológico, solución de conservación, aplicador externo de piel, toma de muestras microbianas, muestreo vaginal y otros productos de una sola vez. Dos tipos de hisopos de muestreo de garganta …


    Tecnología médica Co., Limitado. es un fabricante profesional de suministros médicos en China, producimos y vendemos hisopos flocados de nailon, equipo VTM, kit de recolección de saliva y hisopo CHG & utensilio para aplicar algo.


    Dirección: Habitación 201, 301 y 401 Edificio A No.10, Bao Long 5th Road, Comunidad Tonglé, Calle Baolong, Distrito de Longgang,Shenzhen, Guangdong, porcelana.

    Web: www.medicoswab.com

    Número de teléfono: +86 0755-28997664

    Correo electrónico: info@medicoswab.com