» Noticias de la Industria » What is the basis for the various pricing of Covid-19 test?

¿Cuál es la base para los diversos precios de la prueba Covid-19??


¿Cuál es la base para los diversos precios de la prueba Covid-19??

Yin Qingbo, director del Departamento de Salud Pública del Hospital Provincial de Medicina Tradicional China de Hebei, dio una respuesta más objetiva:

Yin Qingbo: El primero es la contabilidad de costes.. El precio del kit., El líquido de extracción involucrado en el proceso intermedio., y otros costos de material correspondientes, and this material cost, different manufacturers have different prices, which causes different prices in different hospitals. Además, the country advocates a method that allows mixed inspections for low-risk groups. After mixed inspections, prices are even more inconsistent. Our hospital has a 1:1 ratio. But for example, in schools, the state allows it to be 1:3 o 1:5. There were mixed inspections of 10 people in the first two days, pero 10 people require higher skills. De este modo, their cost will come down. I know there are 35, 45 (yuan).

Yin Qingbo said that no matter what the price is high or low and the detection method is different, the final result must be guaranteed.

Yin Qingbo: This is through national quality control. You can rest assured that you will be responsible to yourself and others, because the process here, the corresponding quality control, and the source of the corresponding preparations will be guaranteed.

I would also like to remind everyone that if there is a willingness to test or a test demand, not only should you shop around, you also need to consider various factors such as the test speed and the time for the test results to be released.

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