Es vacunado con Covid-19 al final del año como muy temprano? Encima 40% todavía están en la primera fase de los ensayos clínicos.
Según las estadísticas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, A partir del 12 de noviembre, al menos 48 Las vacunas candidatas para la neumonía Covid-19 han ingresado a ensayos clínicos en todo el mundo. Entre ellos, La primera etapa es la más, contabilizar 43.75%. Entre el 11 vaccines that have entered the third phase, the most are from China, contabilizar 36.36%. Zhang Wenhong, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University in Shanghai, said in an exclusive interview that it is expected that vaccination will basically start around the world at the end of this year or early next year.
According to the ordering situation, the vaccines jointly developed by Pfizer of the United States, biontech of Germany and Fosun of China have reached a purchase agreement with the European Union (up to 300 million doses). Moderna has signed 5 million doses of vaccines with Britain, and the first batch is expected to be delivered next spring. According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, dozens of countries have expressed their wish to buy Russian COVID-19 vaccine, and Russia is willing to cooperate. In the United States, the freezer for storing COVID-19 vaccine is in short supply.
In terms of pricing, according to Pfizer, the company reached an agreement with the US government in July: to provide 100 million potential vaccines to the US government at the price of US$ 39 for two doses or US$ 19.5 for each dose, which is only applicable to the United States.

nueva vacuna corona