Los estudios han demostrado que COVID-19 se propagó en Italia el verano pasado.
Según un informe del Evening Post italiano del 15, un estudio reciente realizado por el Instituto Nacional del Cáncer en Milán mostró que se detectaron anticuerpos COVID-19 en muestras de sangre recolectadas de residentes en septiembre 2019, lo que significa que COVID-19 se propagó en Italia mucho antes de febrero de este año, possibly dating back to the summer of 2019. According to the research results, the paper “COVID-19 Antibody Accidentally Detected Before the Italian Epidemic” was published in the medical journal Cancer Journal on the 11th. On November 11th, the Journal of Oncology published a paper entitled “COVID-19 Antibody Accidentally Detected Before the Italian Epidemic”.
From September 2019 to March 2020, Milan National Cancer Institute recruited 959 healthy volunteers to participate in a lung cancer test. After the outbreak of pneumonia in COVID-19, the researchers tested all the preserved blood samples by COVID-19, and the results showed that 111 del 959 samples were positive, de los cuales 16 were positive for immunoglobulin G antibody and 97 were positive for immunoglobulin M antibody. On November 14th, hora local, Milan, Italia, prepared the COVID-19 detection reagent for citizens.
The positive blood samples came from 13 regions of Italy, de los cuales 23 were collected in September 2019, 27 were collected in October, 26 were collected in November and 11 were collected in December; The other three and 21 were taken in January and February this year respectively. Además, 6 del 111 positive samples were positive for COVID-19 neutralizing antibody, y 4 of them were collected in early October 2019.
The study also mentioned that in November 2019, many doctors in Italy had discovered atypical interstitial pneumonia among the elderly and vulnerable people. Because there was no information about COVID-19 at that time, all of them were classified as severe seasonal influenza.
According to the latest statistics released by the Italian Ministry of Health on November 15, 33,979 confirmed cases of COVID-19 pneumonia have been added in the past 24 horas, con un total de 1,178,529 casos confirmados; Había 546 new deaths and 45229 cumulative deaths. en ese dia, 195,275 COVID-19 nucleic acid tests were completed in Italy, y la tasa positiva fue 17.4%.

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