» Branchennachrichten » U.S. Bestätigte Fälle von COVID-19 überschreiten 40 Million, Das medizinische System stößt an seine Grenzen

UNS. Bestätigte Fälle von COVID-19 überschreiten 40 Million, Das medizinische System stößt an seine Grenzen


China Daily, 7. September. Nach Angaben der Johns Hopkins University in den USA, Im September 6, Ortszeit, Die kumulierte Zahl der bestätigten Fälle neuer Koronarpneumonie in den Vereinigten Staaten hat überschritten 40 Million. Die durch den Stamm verursachte vierte Welle der Epidemie bringt das medizinische System vieler Bundesstaaten an seine Grenzen.

The USForbeswebsite reported that at the end of May this year on Memorial Day (Memorial Day), the United States had an average of less than 25,000 newly diagnosed cases in a single day, and today’s Labor Day (Tag der Arbeit), This number has soared to more than 160,000.

USA Todayreported on the 6th that the number of new cases in a single day in the United States was 316% higher than the number during Labor Day last year, and the number of hospitalizations increased by 158% compared with a year ago.

Since the outbreak, the United States has recorded a total of 648,910 deaths related to new coronary pneumonia, and the number of new deaths in a single day has soared by 55% in den letzten zwei Wochen. Since the end of March this year, the number of new deaths in a single day in the United States has exceeded 1,500 for the first time.

Claire White, a nurse in the intensive care unit at Mercy Hospital Northwest, Arkansas, sagte: “Last year, most of us were exhausted because of the frustration and sadness of the situation. Heute, the situation is still distressing. Depression and sadness, but this could have been avoided.

Laut der „New York Times“ data, with the delta mutant strain sweeping across the United States, as of September 5 Ortszeit, mehr als 102,000 Americans were hospitalized with new coronary pneumonia. Medical facilities across the United States that have been overwhelmed by the virus in the past 18 months are now overloaded again.

Berichten zufolge, at the end of July, vaccination in the United States fell to the lowest level in a single day of about 500,000 doses per day. jedoch, 47% of Americans are still not fully vaccinated, which gives the delta mutant strain a chance to spread.

(Compilation: Gao Linlin Editor: Nisina)

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