» Unternehmens Nachrichten » U.S. Erlaubt dem Iran, Geld für den Kauf eines neuen Corona-Impfstoffs zu überweisen

UNS. Erlaubt dem Iran, Geld für den Kauf eines neuen Corona-Impfstoffs zu überweisen



[Globaler Netzwerkbericht] Laut Reuters, Der Gouverneur der Zentralbank des Iran sagte, er sei unter Druck! UNS. Erlaubt dem Iran, Geld für den Kauf eines neuen Corona-Impfstoffs zu überweisen.

Screenshot of Reuters report

Laut der Meldung, Hemati mentioned that the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control had approved an Iranian bank to transfer money to a Swiss bank to pay for the vaccine.

They imposed sanctions on all our banks, but due to the pressure of public opinion from the international community, they opened the door to this transaction.The central bank governor said in an interview.

Hemati also said that Iran will pay approximately US$244 million for the first import of 16.8 million doses of vaccine from the WHO-led Covax global new crown vaccine program. Iranian officials have repeatedly complained that due to US financial sanctions, Iran is unable to pay for the „Neuer Implementierungsplan für den Impfstoff gegen koronare Lungenentzündung“ led by the World Health Organization.

The report mentioned that the United States did not immediately respond to Hemat’s remarks.

After the United States withdrew from the comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue in 2018, it resumed and added sanctions on Iran, especially sanctions on its financial and oil fields.

UNS. Erlaubt dem Iran, Geld für den Kauf eines neuen Corona-Impfstoffs zu überweisen UNS. Erlaubt dem Iran, Geld für den Kauf eines neuen Corona-Impfstoffs zu überweisen

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