Aus 0: 00 zu 24: 00 on December 15, 31 Provinzen (autonome Regionen und Gemeinden direkt unter der Zentralregierung) und das Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps berichteten 12 neu bestätigte Fälle, Alle wurden aus Übersee importiert (3 Fälle in Shanghai, 3 Fälle in Guangdong, 2 cases in Yunnan, 1 case in Beijing, 1 case in Tianjin, 1 case in Fujian and 1 case in Shandong); There are no new deaths; One new suspected case was imported from abroad (in Shandong). On that day, 9 new cases were cured and discharged, 728 close contacts were released from medical observation, und 1 serious case increased compared with the previous day. 266 confirmed cases (einschließlich 5 severe cases) und 3 suspected cases were imported from overseas. Insgesamt 4061 cases were confirmed and 3795 cases were cured without death. Ab 24: 00 on December 15th, according to the reports of 31 Provinzen (autonome Regionen und Gemeinden direkt unter der Zentralregierung) und Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, es gibt 315 confirmed cases (einschließlich 8 severe cases), 81,821 discharged cases, 4,634 tote Fälle, 86,770 bestätigte Fälle und 3 Verdachtsfälle.
Insgesamt 889,134 close contacts were tracked and 6,898 close contacts were still under medical observation. 31 Provinzen (autonome Regionen und Gemeinden direkt unter der Zentralregierung) und das Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps berichteten 9 neue asymptomatische Infektionen (4 imported from abroad); One case was confirmed on the same day (imported from abroad); Five cases were released from medical observation on the same day (all imported from abroad); Es gibt 199 asymptomatic infected people under medical observation (181 imported from abroad). Insgesamt 8509 confirmed cases were reported from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Darunter, es gab 7721 cases in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (6345 cases discharged and 123 cases died), 46 cases in Macao Special Administrative Region (46 cases discharged) und 742 cases in Taiwan (611 cases discharged and 7 cases died).