Shenzhen Medico Nasopharyngeal swab manufacturer with break point
Operating instructions for disposable nasopharyngeal swab with break point
Schritt 1: Hold the handle and gently insert the sampling swab into the mouth or nasal cavity.
Schritt 2: Gently rotate the sampling swab 3-5 mal, and then take it out slowly.
Schritt 3: Put the extracted sample into the sample collection tube, break the handle, and then seal it to complete the sampling. ?
What is the nasopharyngeal swab with breakpoint used for?
Es wird verwendet, um Nasen-Rachen-Abstrichproben oder Gewebeproben bestimmter Teile von der Probenahmestelle zum Testlabor zur PCR-Extraktion und -Testung zu transportieren.
Medizinischer Nasenabstrich