Vaginal specimen collection
There are many gynecological examination methods, In diesem Artikel wird eine gängige Erkennungsmethode vorgestellt.
Es wurden Vaginalsekretproben entnommen 24 Stunden vor dem Verbot des Geschlechtsverkehrs, Bad, Vaginalspülung und lokale Medikamente, um die Testergebnisse nicht zu beeinträchtigen. Die Probanden wurden der Blasensteinschnittposition ausgesetzt, vaginales Vaginalspekulum. Materials used Straw or scraper, vaginal sampling swab must be sterilized dry, do not stick any chemicals or lubricant.The material is taken from different parts according to different purposes of examination,Cervical sampling brush (vaginaler Abstrichtupfer) soaked with normal saline was used,The samples were drawn from the vaginal wall or the posterior fornix of the vagina and the cervix of the uterus. The vaginal secretions were directly observed by saline smear, or prepared into thin smears, and the tumor cells or pathogenic microorganisms were examined after fixation and staining.