Kombiniert mit umfassender epidemiologischer Untersuchung und Big-Data-Analyse, Die Forscher stellten fest, dass die Virusquelle in der konzentrierten epidemischen Situation auf dem Xinfadi-Markt in Peking sehr wahrscheinlich kühlkettenimportierte Lebensmittel aus epidemischen Gebieten in Übersee sind, und schlug vor, dass der Transport in der Kühlkette ein neuer Weg für die Ausbreitung von SARS-CoV-2 sein könnte.
Im Juni 11, 2020, a case of SARS-CoV-2 infection suddenly appeared, breaking the calm of no new cases in Beijing for 56 consecutive days. The patient was admitted to hospital immediately, and his condition was quickly controlled, but it became a mystery where he was infected with the virus.
The chilled salmon is the only product from overseas in the goods sold at booth S14. Produkteinführung des Abstrichkits für Probenahmeröhrchen für inaktivierte Viren Der Zweck des Abstrichkits für Probenahmeröhrchen für inaktivierte Viren besteht darin, die Nukleinsäureproben des inaktivierten Virus zu konservieren und zu übertragen, the researchers sampled and tested the cold storage of all salmon suppliers in Xinfadi market, and found that five fish swab samples from a supplier were positive for SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid, and the virus genome sequence obtained from sequencing of one unopened fish swab sample was highly homologous to the virus in human and environmental samples in this epidemic.
Im Oktober 23, Tsinghua University, Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Institute of Pathogenic Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking University and Beijing Genomics Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly published a document in National Science Review. By analyzing the nucleic acid sequencing and virus genome sequence of related cases, environment and food samples, combined with comprehensive epidemiological investigation and big data analysis, the researchers revealed that the source of the virus in the epidemic is very likely to be cold chain imported food in overseas epidemic areas, and proposed that cold chain transportation may be a New way of communication in SARS-CoV-2.For reference, the cold chain is the source. It seems that the situation of Wuhan South China seafood market may also be in this respect. It seems that the input problem is clearer.