Der Unterschied zwischen Nasenabstrich und Rachenabstrich
The results of the new coronavirus nucleic acid test are an important reference for the diagnosis and efficacy evaluation of the new coronavirus pneumonia. Nukleinsäuretest-Screening-Proben werden meist aus tiefem Hustensputum oder Rachenabstrichen gewonnen, und Rachenabstriche werden in Nasopharynxabstriche und Oropharynxabstriche unterteilt . So, Was ist der Unterschied zwischen den beiden??
The pharynx includes the nasopharynx, Oropharynx, and laryngopharynx. The mucous membranes of the three are continuous and belong to the upper respiratory tract. Nasopharyngeal swabs and oropharyngeal swabs only have different sampling paths. Oral sampling is an oropharyngeal swab, and nasal sampling is a nasopharyngeal swab.
Since the oropharyngeal swab can be operated by opening the mouth, es ist relativ einfach, Daher wird es häufiger klinisch eingesetzt. jedoch, the risk of exposure is higher for those who take the oropharyngeal sample. Der Bediener muss häufig auf den Mund des Patienten blicken. Während des Inkassovorgangs, the patient is prone to symptoms such as irritating dry cough and vomiting, exposing the collector to the virus-carrying aerosol.
Nasopharyngeal swabs have several advantages over oropharyngeal swabs. It is possible to stay in the pharynx for a longer period of time during sampling, in order to obtain a sufficient amount of specimens, Aus diesem Grund ist die positive Rate höher als bei oropharyngealen Abstrichen, über die in der Literatur berichtet wird.
Zusätzlich, the patient is well tolerated, usually surface anesthesia and contraction of the nasal mucosa can be performed first, and a skilled sampler can sample the patient without anesthesia.
Since the operator can stand behind the patient when sampling the nasopharynx, the patient pulls down the mask to expose only the nostrils and cover the oral cavity. There is no need to look directly at the patient’s oral cavity, and there is basically no pharyngeal reflex, so the exposure risk is quite lower. Individual patients may have a sneeze reflex after sampling, or they can be immediately covered with elbows or tissues.
Wenn die Entnahme von Rachenabstrich-Nukleinsäure-Testproben nicht standardisiert ist, es kann dazu führen „Falsch negativ“ Ergebnisse verschlechtern und die Behandlung der Patienten verzögern.
So, what is the key to the collection of throat swab nucleic acid test specimens? According to Deputy Chief Physician Tian Peng, whether collecting nasopharyngeal swabs or oropharyngeal swabs, the depth of collection and the length of contact with mucous membranes are the key. If the nasopharyngeal swab is not collected deep into the nasopharyngeal cavity, the patient’s vomiting response is too large when the oropharyngeal swab is collected and the sampling time is not enough. At this time, most of the cells collected are virus-free cells. May cause „Falsch negativ“ Nukleinsäuretests.
Some patients „re-yang“ after a negative nucleic acid test is sometimes related to inaccurate sampling.