1. Vorbereitung: Verpackungsbeutel für medizinische Mundtupfer und Papiermaterialbeweise. Tragen: sterile Einweghandschuhe und sterile Vliesmaske. Füllen Sie das Informationsformular zur Materialbeweistasche aus, Markieren Sie das Probenahmedatum der Probe, Nehmen Sie zwei oder drei saubere Toilettenpapiere und legen Sie sie auf den Schreibtisch.
2. Probenahme: Geben Sie der identifizierten Person eine Tasse klares Wasser (for gargling) and ask him to rinse simply to remove the food residue left in the mouth (if the identified person is an infant, ask his guardian to feed a small amount of boiled water first), then ask the identified person to open his mouth naturally, and gently press and rotate the oral swab on his tongue or buccal mucosa (cheeks on both sides of the mouth) with a medical disposable sampling swab for 3-5 mal. Auf die gleiche Weise, take 2-3 swab samples and put them on clean paper towels to dry in the shade. (It is estimated to be about 2 Std)
3. After being verified with the appraiser, put the cotton swabs that have just been taken into the paper material evidence packaging bag filled with the information of the corresponding appraiser. Pay attention to the following points when collecting oral swab samples:

1: Avoid touching the swab head with your hands. Please rinse your mouth with clear water before collection.
2. The samples collected by the above method can be stored in a dry environment for 2-3 Monate;
3: The oral swab should be dried in the shade and then put into a paper envelope to avoid the mildew of the oral swab affecting the detection; Different people’s oral swabs need to be stored separately and identified.
4. It is best not to eat, Rauch, chew gum and betel nut before sampling.