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نحن. swab test diagnoses over 81,000 new crowns in a single day


نحن. swab test diagnoses over 81,000 new crowns in a single day

Beiwan New Vision Network
وفقًا لإحصاءات جامعة جونز هوبكنز بالولايات المتحدة, اعتبارا من 17:00 on November 2nd, the total number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the United States reached 9,268,896 and the total number of deaths was 231,320.

في الماضي 24 ساعات, أكثر من 81,000 new crowns were diagnosed in a single day by swab testing in the United States, مع 455 new deaths.

swab test diagnoses swab test diagnoses

من: Tan Desai will be tested for new coronavirus swabs when necessary

في نوفمبر 2, الوقت المحلي, WHO held a routine press conference for new coronary pneumonia. Michael Ryan, the head of WHO’s health emergency project, said that according to WHO regulations, WHO Director-General Tan Dessin had been exposed to new coronary pneumonia Quarantine for confirmed cases. When necessary, such as the appearance of symptoms of new coronary pneumonia, Tedros will receive a swab test for the new coronavirus. The relevant WHO team will also monitor Tedrosphysical condition.

Tedros said that whether he is at home or in the office, WHO will continue to work to promote science, solutions and unity.

من: There is no cluster of epidemics inside
Maria van Kokhov, المدير الفني لمشروع الطوارئ الصحية لمنظمة الصحة العالمية, said that WHO has tracked all employees and their contacts infected with the new coronary pneumonia. There is no cluster of epidemics within WHO and will continue to monitor.

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