حديثا, لقد اكتشفنا أن المجرمين ينتجون بشكل غير قانوني, sell and export our مسحة جمع العينات products by counterfeiting our registered trademark and posing as our production address. لقد أثرت الأعمال غير القانونية المذكورة أعلاه من المنتجات المقلدة بشكل خطير على سمعتنا, انتهكت حقوقنا ومصالحنا المشروعة, ويشتبه في انتهاك القانون الجنائي.
We are not responsible for the purchase of such counterfeit products, and reserve the right to prosecute. According to the law, anyone who uses our trademark to produce, sell and export specimen collection swab products without our permission is suspected of constituting a criminal offence and will face the risk of criminal punishment. If the related person can take the initiative to contact our company within 7 أيام, we can negotiate leniently. Otherwise our company will take all legal measures to pursue criminal responsibility incidental to civil liability in accordance with the law. For those who provide clues for investigating the counterfeiters, once verified by the relevant law enforcement agencies, we would reward handsomely.
Contact person (Responsible for receiving clues): Miss Wang
Contact No.: 13410551641
E-mail address: info@medicoswab.com
Date:21th December, 2021