» اخبار الصناعة » Shanghai Refutes Rumors That Nucleic Acid Testing Will Increase the Risk of Throat Cancer

شنغهاي تدحض الشائعات القائلة بأن اختبار الحمض النووي سيزيد من خطر الإصابة بسرطان الحلق


Nucleic Acid Testing

حديثا, كانت هناك شائعة أخرى مفادها أن “تعتبر مسحات أخذ عينات الحمض النووي/المستضد سامة”. هذا الوقت, ومروجو الشائعات أكثر بغضًا. لم يستخدموا فقط “مسحات القطن السامة” الصور التي أوضحتها منصة شنغهاي لدحض الشائعات, ليس لها أساس علمي, ومليئة بالأخطاء, ولكن أيضا إضافة الوقود إلى الشائعات ويقول “تنبؤ: after this year, there will be severe cases of throat cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer patients across the country. increase, especially in Shanghai”.

Zhang Jiaxiong, director of the Otolaryngology Department of the Tenth People’s Hospital of Shanghai, said in an interview with the media that sampling swabs are medical supplies, and all qualified products have been disinfected and will not cause damage to the human body. وبالتالي, citizens do not need to spit after completing the sampling. or gargle.

As for the rumor thatafter this year, the number of throat cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer patients has increased sharply, especially in Shanghai”, Zhang Jiaxiong said that there is currently no evidence to support this view. حقيقة, the incidence of throat and nasopharyngeal cancer in the population is very low. علاوة على ذلك, the sampling swab is designed with the user experience in mind, the texture is soft and fine, and the irritation to the nasopharynx is very slight. Even if some samplers occasionallystart with a heavy handand cause temporary discomfort to the sampled person, this discomfort will recover quickly and will not affect their health. Zhang Jiaxiong said: “Laryngeal cancer is like most tumors. The exact cause of the incidence is still unknown. The so-called sampling swab will cause throat cancer also lacks scientific basis.

In response to the most widely circulated picture on the Internet, “It’s not called a cotton swab”, the Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform also reminded once again that the relevant pictures are rumors. In the whole picture, exceptit is chemical fiberwhich is partially correct, the rest of the content is wrong.

It should be reminded that chemical fiber does not mean toxic, and many clothing materials are also chemical fiber products, which directly contact the skin and even the oral cavity and nasal cavity, and will not affect health. The sampling swab uses flocked chemical fiber, and the fine nylon fiber is fixed on the top of the sampler to better collect the sample. The data shows that flocked swabs can elute more than 85% of the sample collection volume; مسحات القطن التقليدية, خاصة تلك المصنوعة من القطن الماسي, لا يمكن جمع العينات وإخلاصها تمامًا.

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