» أخبار الشركة » Preoperative chlorhexidine disinfection to prevent infection

التطهير بالكلورهيكسيدين قبل الجراحة لمنع العدوى


Dextrose Chlorhexidine Skin Disinfection

Surgery will inevitably bring the operation site skin and tissue damage, عند الشق الجراحي التلوث الميكروبي إلى حد ما, حدوث عدوى في الموقع الجراحي لا يؤثر فقط على فعالية علاج المرض, زيادة آلام المريض والأعباء المالية, ولكنها تؤثر أيضًا بشكل خطير على تشخيص المريض. Neurosurgery is one of the high risk departments of surgical hospital infection. To this end, the use of precontaminated chlorhexidine dextrose cotton swabs and disinfectant head disinfection of Medico, observed that this measure to reduce the incidence of neurosurgical site infection I effect.

Medicochlorhexidine disinfection swabs


To understand the preoperative disinfection of chlorhexidine head on the prevention of craniocerebral infection


A randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted. The pretreatment 2% dextrose chlorhexidine group (experimental group) and the unused group (control group) were compared


Research reports, chlorhexidine disinfection of the skin continued antibacterial duration sustainable 192 ح, chlorhexidine glucose irritation small, good stability. Preoperative use of chlorhexidine gluconate or skin disinfection is very important. Some studies have confirmed that chlorhexidine skin disinfection effect is significant. This study shows that pre-Disinfections of Medico chlorhexidine disinfection swabs with Medico can significantly reduce the incidence of surgical site infections and reduce unnecessary suffering and financial burden on patients.

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