» أخبار الشركة » Park Geun-hye’s new coronavirus sampling swab tested negative

Park Geun-hye’s new coronavirus sampling swab tested negative


Park Geun-hye’s new coronavirus sampling swab tested negative

شبكة عبر البحار, يناير 20. According to the latest news from South Korea’sJoongang Ilboon the 20th, former South Korean President Park Geun-hye tested negative for the new crown virus and will still be hospitalized in isolation.

In view of having been in close contact with patients with the new crown, Park Geun-hye will be arranged to be admitted to the Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital this afternoon and will undergo a period of isolation and observation. Park Geun-hye, 69, is currently serving his sentence in the Seoul Detention Center. في يناير 18, she went out for treatment. The next day (19ذ), the prison guard who was in an escort car with her diagnosed the new crown.

Park Geun-hye was judged as a close contact and was tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the new coronavirus on the 20th. في يناير 14 هذا العام, the South Korean Supreme Court made a final ruling on the case of Park Geun-hye’s political interference and bribery, and sentenced him to 20 years in prison and a fine of 18 billion won (approximately RMB 100 مليون). فضلاً عن ذلك, he was sentenced for interference in the election. في 2015, Park Geun-hye’s sentence totaled 22 سنوات. Without amnesty and parole, Park Geun-hye will be released from prison at the age of 87 في 2039 at the latest. (Overseas Network Liu Qiang)

Park Geun-hye's new coronavirus sampling swab tested negative Park Geun-hye’s new coronavirus sampling swab tested negative

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