» أخبار الشركة » Nearly 300,000 تم تأكيد حالات الإصابة بـCOVID-19 في الولايات المتحدة

تقريبا 300,000 تم تأكيد حالات الإصابة بـCOVID-19 في الولايات المتحدة


وكالة أنباء شينخوا, واشنطن, يناير 7 (المراسل تان جينغ جينغ جاوشان) أحدث البيانات الوبائية الصادرة عن المراكز الأمريكية لمكافحة الأمراض والوقاية منها بشأن 7 أظهر أن ما يقرب من 300,000 تم الإبلاغ عن حالات مؤكدة جديدة في الولايات المتحدة يوم 6 ذ, مسجلاً رقماً قياسياً جديداً منذ تفشي المرض; أكثر من 3,800 حدثت وفيات جديدة.

According to the latest data adjusted by the CDC, as of the 6th, the average number of confirmed cases in the United States has increased by more than 228,000 in recent 7 أيام, a new high since the epidemic. According to the latest forecast of the center, by January 30, the cumulative number of new deaths in the United States may reach 405,000 إلى 438,000.

According to the latest data of the National Epidemic Tracking Project launched by Atlantic Monthly, as of the 6th, the total number of hospitalized patients in the new crown in the United States reached 132,476, مسجلاً رقماً قياسياً جديداً منذ تفشي المرض.

Long-term nursing institutions such as nursing homes in the United States have always been thehardest hit areasof the epidemic. According to the project data, as of the end of December last year, the number of newly confirmed cases reported by long-term care institutions in the United States has exceeded 1 مليون; Last December was the month with the highest number of new deaths since the project counted the data of long-term care institutions.

Although many epidemic data in the United States set new records, the project pointed out that due to the statistical lag of Christmas and New Year holiday data, the current data may not fully reflect the real situation of the epidemic. Some public health experts predicted that after the New Year holiday in the United States, the incidence and death rate of new crowns may rise sharply.

According to the latest data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, في الوقت الحالي, 52 cases infected with the new variant coronavirus reported by the UK have been found in California, Florida, Colorado, Georgia and New York, among which California has reported 26 cases with the largest number.

According to the statistics released by Johns Hopkins University, the United States is the country with the largest number of newly diagnosed and cumulative deaths in the world. As of the evening of the 7th Eastern Time, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in the country exceeded 21.54 مليون, and the cumulative number of deaths exceeded 364,000.

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