اختبار الانفلونزا, يُعرف أيضًا باسم اختبار الأنفلونزا, يتم إجراؤه لتحديد ما إذا كان الشخص قد أصيب بفيروس الأنفلونزا. هناك نوعان رئيسيان من اختبارات الأنفلونزا: اختبارات تشخيصية سريعة للأنفلونزا (RIDTs) والاختبارات الجزيئية.
1.الاختبارات التشخيصية السريعة للأنفلونزا (RIDTs):
إجراء: A healthcare provider collects a sample by swabbing the back of the person’s throat or nose.
Test Time: The sample is then mixed with a solution and applied to a test strip or cartridge.
نتائج: The results are usually available within 15-30 الدقائق. لكن, these tests may have a higher chance of false negatives.
2. الاختبارات الجزيئية:
إجراء: A healthcare provider collects a sample by swabbing the back of the person’s throat or nose, similar to RIDTs.
Test Time: The sample is then sent to a laboratory where it is tested using a technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
نتائج: PCR tests are highly accurate and can detect even small amounts of the influenza virus. لكن, the results may take several hours or days to be available.
It’s important to note that the specific procedures and techniques used for influenza testing may vary depending on the healthcare provider and the testing facility. If you suspect you have influenza, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and guidance.
كشركة مصنعة للمواد الاستهلاكية في مجال التشخيص المختبري, MEDICO offers a variety of sterile collection swabs, إذا كنت مهتم, click the link below to learn more: https://www.medicoswab.com/products/specimen-collection-swab/