في التاسع عشر, الوقت المحلي, هانز كروجر, مدير المكتب الإقليمي الأوروبي لمنظمة الصحة العالمية, وحذرت في كوبنهاجن من أن أوروبا أصبحت مرة أخرى بؤرة لوباء كوفيد-19, ويموت شخص واحد في أوروبا كل يوم 17 ثانية في المتوسط.
وقال كلوج في المؤتمر الصحفي إن حالات الإصابة بكوفيد-19 في أوروبا كانت مسؤولة عن ذلك 28% of the global cases, و 26% of the total number of global deaths came from Europe, so Europe once again became the epicenter of COVID-19 epidemic. He pointed out that there were more than 29,000 COVID-19 deaths in Europe last week, and the death toll increased by 18%, which is equivalent to one death every 17 ثانية في المتوسط.
لكن, he also said that the measures taken by various governments to curb the spread of the virus are getting results. فمثلا, the number of infections in Europe fell last week for the first time in three months. This week, the latest infection cases decreased by 10% إلى 1.8 مليون.
Kruger stressed that the strict blockade restrictions re-implemented by many European countries, including Britain, France and Spain, are taking effect. لكن, he also warned countries not to lift restrictions prematurely because of pursuing political or economic interests. قال: “We often see the negative impact of prematurely lifting the blockade policy.”
The regional head of WHO stressed that even if the number of cases dropped, the future situation of Europe as a whole was still not optimistic.
Kruger warned: “We are seeing more and more signals related to the overwhelmed health system. فمثلا, it is reported that in France, the number of consultations in the intensive care unit has exceeded 95% and has lasted for 10 days.”
Kruger also stressed: “
To see the light at the end of the tunnel.” في الوقت الحاضر,
all European countries already have virus tracking systems,
which can form self-isolation of close community contacts as soon as possible. لكن,
the relatively low-cost public health interventions,
such as wearing masks,
keeping hand hygiene and social alienation,
are still effective and should be strictly enforced.

الكلورهيكسيدين جلوكونات 2% مع 70% كحول الأيزوبروبانول