» اخبار الصناعة » The Skin Disinfectant Swab Applicator Sticks

أعواد تطبيق مسحة الجلد المطهرة


أعواد المسحة المطهرة للجلد هي أداة تطبيق طبية تستخدم لتحضير مطهر الجلد.

وهي مصنوعة من رغوة طبية ومقبض مصنوع من مادة ABS.
هناك تركيبات مختلفة متاحة لأداة تحضير البشرة.

ولكن الأكثر شيوعا هي غلوكونات الكلورهيكسيدين (CHG) وكحول الأيزوبروبيل (IPA).

Which the CHG disinfectant swab Applicator is a popular choice for skin preparation.
Because it combines two broad-spectrum antimicrobials: alcohol for quick kill and fast drying, and iodophor for long-lasting antimicrobial protection.
And it forms a long-lasting antimicrobial film that achieves a 99.999% microbial reduction in just 2 الدقائق.
It is also effective against a broad spectrum of microorganisms on the skin, and it remains active in the presence of blood, مصل, and other protein-rich biomaterials.
While the CHG disinfectant swab applicator promotes aseptic technique and reduces the risk of direct hand-to-patient contact, helping reduce the risk of cross-contamination.


① Compared with traditional disinfection methods, the applicator is faster, can resist more bacteria, and has a longer-lasting sterilization effect, which greatly reduces the microbes in the skin and effectively reduces the infection rate due to bleeding.

② The applicator contains CHG and IPA components. CHG has the function of continuous antibacterial because it can destroy the cell membrane of bacteria and make them separate into precipitable substances. IPA can quickly destroy the protein of microbial cells and make them denatured. Some microorganisms provide an important defense effect, antibacterial for at least 48 ساعات.


It is used to apply disinfectant to the skin, mechanical wounds and instruments of the surgical or puncture site.


Contraindications and precautions

①This product is a one-time use medical product, only for one-time use;

②The product cannot be used directly if its inner packaging is damaged;

③Please use it up as soon as possible after opening the package to avoid contamination. Destroy it immediately or throw it into a professional disposal box after use;

④Use with caution in infants of 2 months or premature infants. Because this product can cause irritation or burns to the skin of infants and young children. This product is a one-time use product, discard it immediately after use.

⑤ can not be used for lumbar puncture or meningeal surgery

⑥It cannot be used for open wounds or routine skin cleaning

⑦ Can not be used for patients who are allergic to CHG or IPA

⑧Can not be used in eyes, آذان, or cavities


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    شركة ميديكو للتكنولوجيا, المحدودة. هي شركة متخصصة في تصنيع المستلزمات الطبية في الصين, نقوم بإنتاج وبيع مسحات النايلون المتدفقة, طقم VTM, طقم جمع اللعاب ومسحة CHG & قضيب.

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