» اخبار الصناعة » Delta Strain Reduces The Effectiveness Of US Vaccines: فقط 66% يبقى

سلالة دلتا تقلل من فعالية اللقاحات الأمريكية: فقط 66% يبقى


ذكرت تكنولوجيا كوي في أغسطس 29 أن دراسة صدرت مؤخرا من مراكز السيطرة على الأمراض والوقاية من الولايات المتحدة أظهرت أنه بعد سلالة دلتا متحولة في Covid-19 أصبحت "القوة الرئيسية" للوباء, تم تخفيض الفعالية الكلية لقاح Covid-19 المعتمد في الولايات المتحدة. حوالي ثلث.

Researchers analyzed the vaccinations and infections of thousands of front-line anti-epidemic workers in the United States for multiple weeks since December 14, 2020. They have undergone nucleic acid testing every week. During the delta strain, 488 workers who were not vaccinated, 19 were infected, منها 94.7% were symptomatically infected; 2352 were fully vaccinated workers, منها 24 were infected, including symptomatic infections The proportion of participants is 75%.

Researchers analyzed that the overall effectiveness of Pfizer, Modena, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines in the United States was 66% in the face of the Delta strain, while the previously released effectiveness number was 91%. لكن, the CDC did not disclose the severity of the disease after infection, especially those who have been vaccinated and then infected.

Just a few days ago, my country’s Chongqing Zhifei Biological released the effectiveness data of its recombinant COVID-19 vaccine. The overall protection rate is 81.76%. The protection rate for severe and above cases and death cases is 100%. The protection rates of the strains were 92.93% و 77.54%, على التوالى, and the safety was good.

مصدر: Fong Shun Financial Research Center

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