» أخبار الشركة » COVID-19’s close contacts dictated that personal information was exposed and the spirit collapsed

لقد فرضت جهات الاتصال الوثيقة لـ COVID-19 الكشف عن المعلومات الشخصية وانهارت الروح


Since the middle and late November, COVID-19 outbreaks have occurred in Shanghai and Tianjin. The personal information, family information and action track of the porter at Shanghai Pudong Airport and the 144th COVID-19 confirmed patient in Tianjin were all exposed on the social network within one day.

How terrible is it when a person’s name, رقم التليفون, رقم الهوية, detailed home address, itinerary and other information are exposed on the Internet?” As a close contact with people infected with pneumonia in COVID-19, Korean won (a pseudonym) told reporters about the experience after the information was exposed.

On November 24th, Korean won, who had been released from quarantine, recalled a month ago, قائلا, “I don’t even know this infected person. لحسن الحظ, I am not infected. للأسف, the information about me and my children is known all over the world. Just like getting a disease, there are all kinds of harassing calls every day, and the spirit almost collapses. ” Korean won is regarded as a close contact because a month ago, she asked her friends to sing in KTV in a county town in Henan and met asymptomatic infected people in COVID-19. “في ذلك الوقت, I didn’t stay long before I came out. Later, I was isolated and knew that some of the people brought by my friends were infected.Korean won said that when he received the call for disease control, the whole person was stunned becauseI don’t know the infected person, how can I become a close contact?” In the same KTV room, there are waiters who order songs as close contacts. What won didn’t expect was that her three children were isolated as close contacts. And the information of these people has been leaked on the Internet.

On October 28th, before the official notification of this case, I was isolated locally. I received all kinds of calls after isolation. ” Korean won said, “There are communities and even malicious harassment. Students who have not contacted for many years have also called to mock me. “في ذلك الوقت, the mobile phone was blown up, forcing me to jump off the building.In the isolation hospital, won had several mental breakdowns. أخيراً, the doctor had to take off his mask to comfort her. “You are not infected, don’t worry if you are fine, you can see nothing.

Asymptomatic infection in Tianjin turned into confirmed case Asymptomatic infection in Tianjin turned into confirmed case

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