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A large number of French left Paris before closing the city

A large number of French left Paris before closing the city

The second lockdown! A large number of French left Paris before closing the city 2020-10-31 The second lockdown! A large number of French left Paris before closing the city, and the cars on the outskirts were like a stream of water. A large number of French left Paris before closing the city A large number of French left Paris before
US single-week swab testing adds more than 500,000 حالات جديدة

US single-week swab testing adds more than 500,000 حالات جديدة

US single-week swab testing adds more than 500,000 حالات جديدة 2020-10-30 Chinanews.com, October 30. According to the US Chinese website, the new crown epidemic in the United States has continued to deteriorate in recent days, and the US has newly confirmed more than 500,000 new crown flu dual epidemics in a single week. أكثر من 500,000 new cases in a
Russian official: Russia began to produce the second COVID-19 vaccine

Russian official: Russia began to produce the second COVID-19 vaccine

Russian official: Russia began to produce the second COVID-19 vaccine. Russia’s chief epidemic prevention specialist Bobova stressed on the 27th that the Russian epidemic prevention headquarters decided to take various measures in various parts of Russia from the 28th to counter the severe situation of coronavirus transmission. Since October 11 this year, the number of confirmed cases in COVID-19 in
France re-implements lockdown measures in response to the epidemic

France re-implements lockdown measures in response to the epidemic

France re-implements lockdown measures in response to the epidemic On the evening of the 28th local time, French President Macron announced that France re-implements lockdown measures in response to the epidemic from October 30 in response to the rapid rebound of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Macron made a televised speech on the development of the new crown epidemic in
The latest conclusions of the source of the new outbreak virus through swab testing

The latest conclusions of the source of the new outbreak virus through swab testing

The latest conclusions of the source of the new outbreak virus through swab testing Source: Securities Times According to the Securities Times. The latest conclusions of the source of the new outbreak virus through swab testing: from cold chain imported food According to news from the Beijing Evening News on the evening of the 27th, Tsinghua University, Beijing Centers for
The new outbreak virus in Beijing comes from cold chain imported food

The new outbreak virus in Beijing comes from cold chain imported food

Combined with comprehensive epidemiological investigation and big data analysis, the researchers revealed that the virus source in the concentrated epidemic situation in Xinfadi market in Beijing is very likely to be cold chain imported food in overseas epidemic areas, and proposed that cold chain transportation may be a new way for SARS-CoV-2 to spread. On June 11, 2020, a case
There Are 164 Asymptomatic Infected Persons In Kashgar

There Are 164 Asymptomatic Infected Persons In Kashgar

هناك 164 asymptomatic infected persons in Kashgar, and it is unnecessary for Kashgar personnel not to go to Beijing in the near future. On the evening of the 24th, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Health and Health Commission reported that on October 24th, 2020, a case of asymptomatic infection with COVID-19 pneumonia was found in Shufu County, Kashi region, …
The latest situation of the novel coronavirus epidemic as of 24: 00 on October 26

The latest situation of the novel coronavirus epidemic as of 24: 00 on October 26

The latest situation of the novel coronavirus epidemic as of 24: 00 on October 26. من 0: 00 إلى 24: 00 on October 26, 31 المقاطعات (مناطق الحكم الذاتي والبلديات الخاضعة مباشرة للحكومة المركزية) وذكرت فيلق شينجيانغ للإنتاج والبناء 16 الحالات المؤكدة حديثا, وكلها تم استيرادها من الخارج (3 الحالات في شنغهاي, 3 cases in
قد يكون وباء كاشغار مرتبطًا بانخفاض درجات الحرارة المحلية

قد يكون وباء كاشغار مرتبطًا بانخفاض درجات الحرارة المحلية

مساء يوم 25 أكتوبر, عقد المكتب الصحفي للحكومة الشعبية لمنطقة شينجيانغ الويغورية ذاتية الحكم مؤتمرا صحفيا حول الوضع الوبائي في كاشغر, حيث أفيد أنه في 24 أكتوبر, تم الإبلاغ عن حالة عدوى بدون أعراض بالالتهاب الرئوي SARS-CoV-2 في مقاطعة شوفو في كاشغر. وكان الشخص المصاب يعيش في مقاطعة شوفو, و …
137 new cases of asymptomatic swabs to detect infections in Kashgar

137 new cases of asymptomatic swabs to detect infections in Kashgar

137 new cases of asymptomatic swabs to detect infections in Kashgar Chengdu Commercial Daily Red Star News Kashgar added 137 asymptomatic swabs to detect infections! Expert: The epidemic may be related to the drop in local temperature On the evening of October 25, the Press Office of the People’s Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held a press conference on
اقترب من جامع مسحة الحلق: لا يهم مدى خطورة ذلك, المضي قدما بشجاعة

اقترب من جامع مسحة الحلق: لا يهم مدى خطورة ذلك, المضي قدما بشجاعة

التشخيص, لا يمكن فصل علاج وإخراج مرضى الالتهاب الرئوي في كوفيد-19 عن اكتشاف الحمض النووي, ويعد جمع مسحة الحلق خطوة أساسية للكشف عن الحمض النووي. عندما يتلقى المرضى جمع مسحة الحلق, يحتاجون إلى فتح أفواههم لكشف الحلق, ومن المحتمل أن تكون غازات الزفير عبارة عن رذاذ وقطرات تحتوي على فيروسات. كما يمكنك …
الولايات المتحدة. يظهر الوباء اتجاها للقلق

الولايات المتحدة. يظهر الوباء اتجاها للقلق

الولايات المتحدة. Epidemic Shows Trend of Worry Beijing Daily Client The U.S. يظهر الوباء اتجاها للقلق, the weekly average of the number of new diagnoses in Michigan on a single day has nearly doubled. single day has nearly doubled. The numbers are developing in the wrong direction. Reuters reported that in the past week, the average number of new
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