» أخبار الشركة » China has taken COVID-19 prevention and control measures in time to effectively reduce the number of cases in COVID-19

اتخذت الصين تدابير الوقاية من مرض فيروس كورونا الجديد (كوفيد-19) والسيطرة عليه في الوقت المناسب لتقليل عدد حالات الإصابة بمرض فيروس كورونا الجديد (كوفيد-19) بشكل فعال


بحث جديد:اتخذت الصين تدابير الوقاية من مرض فيروس كورونا الجديد (كوفيد-19) والسيطرة عليه في الوقت المناسب لتقليل عدد حالات الإصابة بمرض فيروس كورونا الجديد (كوفيد-19) بشكل فعال.

وكالة أنباء شينخوا, واشنطن, شهر نوفمبر 23 (المراسل تان جينغ جينغ) دراسة جديدة نشرت على الانترنت مؤخرا من قبل TheInnovation, وهي مجلة شارك في تأسيسها دار النشر الخلوية الأمريكية وأعضاء جمعية تعزيز الابتكار لدى الشباب التابعة للأكاديمية الصينية للعلوم, shows that China quickly adopted prevention and control measures after the outbreak of COVID-19, effectively reducing the number of infected cases in COVID-19.

This research is led by Wang Rong, a researcher in the Department of Environment and IRDR International Center of Excellence of Fudan University. The researchers reported that China’s carbon dioxide emissions dropped significantly before the end of February this year after China quickly adopted COVID-19 prevention and control measures. By combining energy consumption statistics with nitrogen dioxide satellite data, the researchers estimated the reduction ratio of China’s daily carbon dioxide emissions relative to the same period to reflect the changes of social production activities. ثم, taking thisreduction ratioas an index, they established a big data statistical correlation with the change rate of daily new COVID-19 cases, and predicted the impact of the intensity and time of prevention and control interventions on the number of new COVID-19 cases and cumulative cases in a single day in China.

The results showed that if the intervention measures of epidemic prevention and control were postponed, the number of cases in COVID-19 in different regions would increase significantly. فمثلا, at the end of February this year, the number of new cases in China on a single day was actually about 450 cases per day, and the uncertainty interval was 1070 حالات; لكن, if the prevention and control measures are implemented one day later than the actual ones, the number of new cases in China will reach about 730 cases per day, with an uncertainty interval of about 1410 حالات.

According to the study, by the end of February, hundreds of thousands of potential cases of COVID-19 infection were avoided by the Chinese government’s rapid epidemic prevention and control measures.

In a written interview with Xinhua News Agency, the research team said that the research results show that China’s COVID-19 prevention and control interventions have curbed the wide spread of COVID-19 epidemic and achieved remarkable social and public health benefits by paying economic costs. This study provides a technical means for monitoring the control measures in COVID-19, and establishes a foundation for further evaluating the global COVID-19 control measures.

مجموعات سبب نجاح الصين في مكافحة الوباء


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