بسبب تأثير الوباء, علقت الصين دخول الأفراد من بعض الدول.
السفارات الصينية في بريطانيا, فرنسا, بلجيكا, روسيا, الفلبينيين, الهند, أوكرانيا, أصدرت بنغلاديش ودول أخرى إخطارات في الرابع والخامس, على التوالى, تعليق الأفراد في هذه البلدان من دخول الصين بتأشيرات صينية وتصاريح إقامة سارية للعمل, الشؤون الخاصة ولم الشمل. All the notices mentioned that this was a temporary measure that China had to take to cope with the current epidemic situation. China will make timely adjustments according to the epidemic situation and issue a separate notice. Wang Wenbin, spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said on the 5th that China should learn from the practices of many countries and adjust its approach to relevant personnel coming to China according to changes in the epidemic situation. This is reasonable and in line with international practice, وأعتقد أنه يمكن فهمه من قبل الجميع.
All the notices of the Chinese Embassy mentioned that those holding diplomatic, رسمي, courtesy and C-visa will not be affected. If foreigners have special urgent needs to go to China, they can apply for visas from Chinese embassies (consulates), and entry into China with visas issued after November 3, 2020 لن تتأثر.
Reuters said on the 5th that Britain is one of the countries with the most serious COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic in the world, with the death toll related to the virus exceeding 45,000, الأعلى في أوروبا, مع اكثر من 1.1 مليون حالة مؤكدة وأكثر من 20,000 new cases being handled every day. Britain has now entered a new national blockade to curb the spread of the epidemic. وفقا للتقرير, the number of newly diagnosed cases per capita in Belgium is the highest in Europe, and the number of COVID-19 pneumonia infections and deaths in the Philippines is second only to Indonesia in Southeast Asia. According to a report by New Delhi TV on the 5th, وذكرت الهند أكثر من 50,000 حالات جديدة وأكثر من 8.36 مليون حالة مؤكدة في ذلك اليوم. On October 30th, a large number of confirmed cases and asymptomatic infected persons appeared on Air India flight from New Delhi to Wuhan.