为什么鼻拭子比口腔拭子更适合检测 Covid-19?
据蔡跃新副主任医师介绍, 咽部的某些区域包括鼻咽部, 口咽部, 和喉咽. 三者的粘膜是连续的,属于 ?上呼吸道. Nasal swabs and oral swabs only take different sampling paths. The sampling is an oropharyngeal swab, and the nasal sampling is a nasal swab. 然而, because the oral swab can be operated by opening the mouth, 比较简单, 所以临床上比较常用, but the risk of exposure of the sampler is higher.
Why choose nasopharyngeal swab training instead of oropharyngeal swab training? According to Deputy Chief Physician Liang Faya, although oral sampling oropharyngeal swabs are the most commonly used, this operation is also a high-risk operation. 操作者经常需要面对病人的嘴巴, and the patient is prone to irritating dry cough, vomiting and other symptoms during the collection process. Expose the collector to aerosols carrying the virus.
1. 可以在咽部停留更长时间,以获得更充足的样本. 这也是其阳性率高于文献报道的口腔拭子的原因.
2. 患者耐受性良好, 操作熟练后基本可以无麻醉取样, 但一开始就可以进行表面麻醉和鼻粘膜收缩.
3. 采样器的暴露风险低于口腔拭子, 因为我们的采样器在采样时可以站在患者身后, 并要求患者拉下面罩,仅露出鼻孔, 覆盖口腔, and do not need to look directly at the patient’s oral cavity, and There is basically no pharyngeal reflex, and a few patients may have sneeze reflex after sampling. The patient can be covered by elbows or tissues, and because the sampler is not in front of the patient, the exposure risk is quite lower, so the psychological pressure of the sampler will not be so great.